Video transfers

With rates starting at just $20 to transfer VHS tape up to 2 hours onto your hard drive or USB what are you waiting for?

Remember all those hours of footage you took when the kids were first born, all those birthday parties, and major milestones? Chance are you used a good old VHS camera to film those and now you’ll have a box of those tapes just gathering dust somewhere. maybe in the garage, loft or shed?

A project that you’ll get round to one of those days but, without wishing to become the merchant of doom and gloom, those VHS tapes might already be beyond repair.

When we paid $20 for a 3 hour BASF or Scotch chrome tape they didn’t tell us they only had a 20-year life span or that the ants would enjoy eating them!

It’s true, heat, dust, and general age will degrade those tapes so all your precious memories will be lost so that’s where we come in. 

Video Cassette

With rates starting at just $20 to transfer VHS tape up to 2 hours onto your hard drive or USB what are you waiting for?

We only charge per working tape and will always ask if you really do want us to transfer 6 hours of Neighbours from 1986 recorded on long play.

We have a bank of VHS players, we transfer your tapes into an AVI file then convert that into a playable MP4 that will work on your PC, laptop or smart TV. We can even provide you with USBs or portable hard drives at regular High Street prices but just don’t leave it too long.

It’s heartbreaking collecting a box of tapes only to discover the elements or wildlife had beaten us to it.

In addition to VHS we can transfer Video 8 tapes, mini DVcam and even lift video from your DVD recorder hard drive.

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