Theatrical and sporting events

We still enjoy filming all forms of motorsport and can provide you with a fixed quote for any sporting event.

We work with several community theatre groups and regularly film entire shows at NO COST to the theatre company itself! What’s the catch? There isn’t one! We simply take the gamble on sales of DVDs or USBs of the show from cast members. 

In other words, we’ll come along with 2 or 3 full broadcast quality HD cameras, take a feed from the mixing desk for the static camera and mix down with ambient sound to give a top-quality final sound. We include backstage filming before the show and sometimes during the interval then package it up ready for sale to individual cast members and their families.

It helps if there is a cast that includes about 80 children as all the mums and dads will need at least one copy each!

From 1988 through to 2014 back in the UK we were best known for our speedway video and TV productions. We filmed at all levels of the sport from leagues through to World Championship events and produced full shows for Motors TV and several ITV regional channels over the years.

We gained a reputation for providing innovative and unique productions within that sport and as recently as 2021 we returned to the speedway world to co produce the hugely successful Darcy Ward Life Story ‘Send it sideways’ DVD.

We still enjoy filming all forms of motorsport and can provide you with a fixed quote for any sporting event.

As a home based business with no overheads as such, we can afford to keep our prices competitive and we offer fixed rate filming packages on all of our Theatrical and sporting events.

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